This will appear even if the AdBlock app is closed. “Allow ads”), quick access to the AdBlock Settings window and a link to AdBlock Help.

However, this project has nothing to do with the latter. It was inspired by Adblock Plus for Firefox and features many of the same tools for blocking ads. Adblock is a powerful ad-blocker extension for Google Chrome browser to help block ads from interrupting your browsing.Download AdBlock Master 1.0.9 for Mac from our website for free. Open web pages and optimize site loading by removing the ad content. Automatically detect and block the appearance and loading of different kinds of ads, banners, animations, pop-ups, etc. Integrate the custom ad-blockers into Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.It also lets you set up whitelists of sites and ad types to allow. The AdBlock extension for Chrome works automatically, blocking ads on static web pages and online video sites like YouTube.

Interacting with the AdBlock for Safari Mac app